KARTER Read online

Page 13

  “Short stroking you now, am I?” I pushed the words into her ear in short whispered bursts.

  “No!” she screamed.

  “With each stroke, Karter I want a yes or no, ready?” I grunted into her ear.

  She bit her lower lip and nodded her head.

  I pulled my hips back until the tip of my cock was touching the wet outer lips of her pussy. Slowly, I pushed my hips upward until my upper thighs lifted against her round ass. As I watched her feet lift from the floor, she grunted. As I lowered her feet to the floor, she screamed.

  “No!” she screamed.

  I slammed myself into her again immediately, thrusting her into the door.


  Again, I pushed my stiff cock inside of her as far as I could. With my right hand, I reached around her waist and pressed firmly against her stomach. I could feel my cock with my palm as I worked against her wet swollen pussy.


  With my hand still against her stomach, I slid myself from her confines. As I stared down between the cheeks of her ass, I thrust my hips forward again, and watched my cock disappear into her wetness. As I felt the tip of my cock with my palm, I pressed harder with my right hand. Again, her feet lifted from the floor.

  “No!” she screamed against the door.

  “Jak, I’m…” she grunted.

  Knowing she was an instant from climax, I began to fuck Karter with every ounce of my being. Pounding away without an ounce of mercy, her body slapped against the door repeatedly. As my hips slapped against her ass, my balls slapped against her clit. I pressed my chest into her back and bit her earlobe between my teeth.



  “Oh fucking God. No, no, no!” she shouted as her body slapped against the door.

  I felt her have repeated orgasms as she blubbered incoherently into the wall.

  “Jaaaaakkkkkk,” she screamed as her body went limp.

  I pressed myself into her deeply and held her against the door. As she turned her head to the side, she opened her eyes slightly. Without speaking, she took a few shallow breaths and attempted to regain her composure. I kissed her deeply as I continued to feel her pussy contracting on the shaft of my cock. As her climax lessened and her breathing became normal, I slid my cock from her warm pussy.

  “So?” I grinned.

  “You’re defo not a midget,” she sighed.

  “Defo?” I shrugged.

  “Yep. Short for definitely. Defo. You have a big cock, Jak,” she sighed as she turned around.

  Her legs were shaking.

  I smiled as I thought of proving my point. A sharp knock on the door startled us both. As we looked toward each other the sound came again. Four sharp knocks. I leaned toward the door and peered through the keyhole. A police officer stood on the other side of the door. I turned and looked at Karter, confused.

  “It’s a police officer,” I whispered.

  She scrunched her brow, “A cop?”

  I nodded.

  “Yuck. I hate cops. See what he wants,” she whispered.

  The officer knocked four times again.

  I reached down and picked up my jeans from the floor. After pulling them on and buckling my belt, I turned toward Karter. Still standing naked in the doorway, she grinned. I pushed her to the hinge side of the door, and turned the deadbolt. As I opened the door slowly, Karter stepped between the open door and the wall, hidden from view.

  The police officer looked down at my bare feet and slowly up my body, stopping his gaze even with my shoulders.

  “Is everything alright?” he asked.

  I nodded my head once, “Yes sir.”

  “We had a report of violence,” he said sternly.

  “A mistaken report,” I said.

  He leaned to the side and looked scanned the length of the hallway with his eyes. His eyes stopped where I suspected Karter laid the knife on the counter. After a short stare, he glanced at the unidentifiable pile of shredded cotton on the floor. His eyes shifted back upward and focused on mine.

  “Anyone else in the house?” he asked.

  I nodded my head.

  Karter peered around the edge of the door, revealing her face and shoulders. I looked at the naked portion of her which was hidden by the wooden door separating her and the officer.

  “Good morning, officer,” she whispered.

  “Ma’am, are you hurt? Are you in pain?” the officer asked.

  “Not anymore,” she chuckled.

  “Anymore, ma’am?” the officer shifted his gaze back and forth from Karter to me repeatedly.

  Karter, still hiding behind the door with only her head and shoulders exposed to the officer, turned her head upward and smiled at me. I looked down at the officer. The officer looked at Karter.

  “He was fucking the shit out of me earlier, officer. And I told him he had a midget cock. You see officer, he was wearing boxers while he was trying to fuck me, and they were preventing full penetration. So, I got my Benchmade and cut those fuckers off. I did it for two reasons. I hated being short stroked and I don’t like him wearing underwear as a general rule. He decided to teach me a lesson and fuck me even harder. We ended up against the door and maybe got carried away. All of the commotion was my face slapping the door and me screaming ‘no’,” she said without even smiling.

  The officer tilted his head to the side, “No, ma’am? You were screaming no?”

  “That is correct. In response to his question of whether or not he had a short cock, I responded no repeatedly. And my face hit the door because he was shoving me completely full of cock. He’s hung like a horse, officer,” she smiled as she held her index fingers a foot apart in front of the officer’s face.

  The officer coughed and smiled, “I see.”

  “So everything here is in order?” the officer asked.

  I looked down between the door and the wall where Karter’s body remained hidden and admired the curve of her back and her round little ass.

  “Very much so,” Karter nodded.

  The officer nodded his head sharply, “Very well. Have a nice day.”

  I looked down at Karter in disbelief as I shut the door.

  She grinned and stood erect as the door closed, “Well, what’d you want me to do, lie?”

  I shook my head, “No, I guess not.”

  “Step aside, I’m hungry. Want some breakfast?” she asked as she walked between me and the door.

  I watched as she walked her signature Karter walk into the kitchen and started digging through the pots and pans. It wasn’t even noon, and Karter had painted a masterpiece, we had sex one and a half times, she cut off my underwear, we had a visit by the police, and now she was cooking brunch.

  My life with Karter, if it was nothing else, would be…


  KARTER. After Jak’s last mission, he seemed to be far more willing to let himself simply exist. Almost immediately after my art show, he became more jovial, relaxed, and simple. He had never seemed uptight or robotic like I had heard other people describe former military Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines. To see him now versus seeing him before was the difference between night and day. I never would have guessed it could have been possible to enjoy him even more, but it sure was.

  “I don’t have my glasses, but let me see your hand, honey,” his mother said as she reached for my hand.

  I lifted my hand from my lap and straightened my arm to extend over the table. Gingerly, she reached under my hand with hers and lifted it to her face. As she focused on the ring she fumbled across the table with her free hand and attempted to find her glasses. After raising them to her face and pushing them onto her nose, she gasped.

  “My word, that’s beautiful Karter. Now when are you two thinking you’ll get married?” she asked.

  Jak sighed and shook his head, “Mom, we just got engaged. The marriage won’t be for a while.”

  She looked up from the ring and over the top of her glasses toward
Jak, “I wasn’t talking to you, Jak. I was talking to Karter. Go in the other room if you’re going to interrupt us every time we try to talk.”

  “We just got here mom. If you want to call that an interruption, it’s number one,” Jak sighed.

  “When would be a perfect time for you, honey? If you got to pick?” she asked.

  I turned toward Jak and stared.

  Help me out here, Jak.

  “Don’t look at him, Karter. He doesn’t know a damned thing, no matter what he tries to tell you. If you got to pick, when would you want to get married? Pay attention, Jak,” she said as she turned her gaze toward Jak.

  Lady, I like you. You make me feel good.

  I looked at her and grinned. I had already thought about it. Personally, I would prefer a June wedding. It seemed like everyone did it, and although I really didn’t know why, I always expected if I did get married someday, I would want to do so in June.

  “I’d like a June wedding,” I smiled.

  “Did you hear that, Jak? She’d like a June wedding,” she said as she removed her glasses and set them on the table beside her cup of coffee.

  I turned my head slightly toward Jak, in hope of seeing him give confirmation of what I had said, and his acceptance of it as being okay. As always, I got exactly what I needed and wanted. His dimples showing were all the endorsement I needed. With my hand still resting in her palm, I turned to face his mother.

  “Well as far as I’m concerned honey, you’re already my daughter-in-law. It’ll be nice to finally make it official,” she said as she released my hand.

  I shifted my gaze toward Jak slightly. As soon as I did, his mother snapped at me.

  “Stop looking at Jak for answers, Karter. He’ll do nothing but get you in trouble with those eyes of his. He’ll hypnotize you with those damned things,” she laughed.

  I raised my hands to my cheeks, “I know, right? He does it to me all the time. He tells me things and I find myself just…”

  “Go in the other room, Jak. We need to talk,” his mother said softly.

  “Mom, I’m not going in the other room,” Jak complained.

  His mother turned her head toward Jak slowly. As she reached for her cigarettes, she lowered her chin and raised her eyebrows.

  “I’ll be in the other room,” Jak sighed.

  Jak leaned over and kissed me softly. As he walked through the door and into the other room, his mother stood from her chair, tip-toed to the doorway, and stared into the other room. After a silent moment of her staring into the living room, she turned around and walked to the table and sat down.

  “You’ve got to keep an eye on him, he’s a sneaky one. We don’t need him listening to our girl talk,” she said as she scooted her chair closer to the table.

  “Now we can talk,” she smiled.

  I grinned and nodded my head, “Okay.”

  “I want this to work for all of us, honey. You and Jak. So, I’m going to give you what little advice I can,” she said as she lit a cigarette.

  As she began to smoke her cigarette, she looked around the kitchen as if she was thinking of what to say next. Silently, she continued to smoke and look down at the ashtray. I sat nervously and waited for her to continue. After a few moments of her not speaking, I decided to say something.

  “We’ll be just fine, I’m sure of it. We don’t fight or argue at all. I really think he loves me as much as I love him. And I love him more than I can ever sit here and try to explain,” I said.

  She looked up from the ashtray, “I’m sure you do. He’s told me over and over how much he loves you - ‘till he’s blue in the face. I’m happy for us all. I don’t have much experience, Karter. Not with men. Jak’s father died when he was a little boy. I never remarried or even saw another man after his father was gone. I couldn’t bring myself to. It wouldn’t have been fair to either of us. I still loved Jak’s father then and I still love him today.”

  “What was his name? Jak’s father?” I asked.

  “His name was Anderson. Jak didn’t tell you? His name was Anderson Jackson Kennedy. We named Jak so his initials would spell his name. We thought it was cute. Jak Anderson Kennedy. J.A.K.,” she smiled.

  I smiled and nodded. For some reason, I preferred having names attached to people in the tales which were told about them. Without a name, the story meant less and it was difficult to believe. Simply having a name made everything become real. Without one, the statements felt meaningless and weak. As she puffed on her cigarette she looked at me as if she wanted to eat me.

  She smiled and tilted her head back as she blew smoke in the air, “Karter, you’re a beautiful woman. I like looking at your face, it’s beautiful. You remind me of a girl I went to school with. Her name was Jennifer. She was the prettiest girl in school. I envied her. I wanted to be as pretty as her, but it never worked out that way. You’re prettier than she was, and she has always been the prettiest girl I’ve ever known. You just shoved her aside and took over.”

  You make me feel so good. I can’t wait to have you as a mother.

  You’re adorable.

  “Thank you very much. That’s nice of you to say. I liked hearing it. You’re adorable,” I smiled.

  She grinned and smashed her cigarette into the ashtray, “Okay so there’s a few things I want to tell you. You may already know, but if you do, just entertain me. I want to feel like you learned them from me. Okay, honey?”

  I nodded my head and smiled.

  “Now, you and Jak. At some point in time, you will have a disagreement. It’s bound to happen. When it does, make sure you get it resolved before bedtime. Never go to sleep angry with the one you love,” she picked up her cigarette case, looked inside and closed the case.

  “And, when you have a disagreement, never raise your voice. It’s hard for a man to scream at a woman if she’s whispering. So, if you’re arguing, keep it quiet and make whatever point you have to without raising your voice. Loud doesn’t make right.”

  I couldn’t imagine Jak screaming at me, but her advice made perfect sense. It was nice to have someone care enough to sit and talk about their relationship opinions and give advice. It would be far too easy for me to spend a few days a week with Jak’s mother talking about things I’ve never felt comfortable talking to other people about. She seemed to spend most of her time at home, and almost all of it in the kitchen, but she spent it alone. As I sat and admired her for being so sweet, I felt terrible for her being alone for the last twenty years.

  “And when it comes to sleeping, before you go to sleep tell Jak you love him. Do it every night. And give him a kiss. Do it in bed, not a half hour before or anything silly. And every morning when you wake up, kiss him and tell him you love him before you get out of bed. You’ll reach a point when you’ll feel like he knows, but tell him anyway. It’s always nice to say and it’s sure nice to hear.”

  She reached across the table toward my hands. Without thought, I straightened my arms and extended my hands toward hers. Our fingers met in the middle of the table. As she held my hands softly in hers, she looked up into my eyes and smiled.

  “I love you, Karter.”

  If you make me cry, I’m going to throat punch you.

  I wanted to tell her I loved her too. I wished I knew her name. As if she knew what prevented me from immediately responding, she spoke.

  “Jaqueline. You can call me Jackie,” she said softly.

  And at that particular moment, everything she had said became real. I felt warm inside. As I held her hands in mine, I swallowed and responded without any thought.

  “I love you too, Jackie.”

  JAK. “Jak, you’s one lyin’ ass motherfucker. ‘Scuse the language Miss Karter. Jak told me you was pretty. What he went on and failed to tell me was that you defined the word. Lord have mercy woman, you make everything around you ugly as a motherfucker,” Oscar said as he walked across the shop floor.

  Oscar was simply Oscar. He had his way of speaking, thinking, and of telli
ng his stories. After repeated requests to meet Karter, I finally decided to bring her to the school and introduce her to him. School had started and was in session, so I hadn’t been coming to the track to run any longer. My trips to see Oscar, however, never ceased.

  Karter cocked her hip to the side as if offended, “What do you mean?”

  Oscar stopped directly in front of her an extended his hand. Karter reluctantly reached for his. As they shook hands, Oscar explained.

  “Well, look around you, Miss Karter. You see Jak’s ugly ass and me. Some old black man. I got my golf cart, and a bunch a broken ass shit in here. We gots a few trees out the door over there, and some grass. That’s about all we got. A little blue sky if you take the time to look up. But when you walk into a room,” he paused and released her hand.

  “Whoooooeeeeeee. Things change. You’s so God damned beautiful, you make everything else what seemed kinda pretty before you arrived look about as ugly as a mud fence in your presence. I don’t rightly know how else to tell ya. But you uhhm. You, how you say it, Jak?” he paused and raised his hand to his chin.

  “You redefine the word, Miss Karter. That’s the one I was lookin’ for. Redefine. You redefine beautiful,” he nodded.

  Karter smiled and shook her head. As if she finally understood what Oscar had said wasn’t an insult, she sighed and her shoulders slumped slightly, “You’re not ugly, and neither is Jak. Pleasure to meet you, Oscar.”

  “We’s a damned site uglier with you around. Hold on I gots to get me somethin’ from my bench,” he said as he turned toward the workbench.

  After a moment of digging, Oscar turned around. He was wearing welding goggles. The goggles he wore looked like World War II era fighter pilot goggles with black hinged outer lenses. The outer lenses were flipped in the upward position, exposing the inner clear lenses. After walking to his former position in front of Karter, he flipped down the black lenses and looked downward. Having welded in the Navy, I knew Oscar could not see a damned thing with the welding goggles on. Without the bright flash of a welding arc, the lenses would be like attempting to look through a piece of glass which had been painted black. I thought I knew what he was going to say, but I kept my mouth shut. Karter seemed amused if nothing else.